Thursday, October 07, 2004

I could spit nails

Ok once again the title is one of my boss's most commonly used phrases. However I'm the one saying it now. I have some venting to do in this post and then I want to address a comment on an earlier post from Cadmonkey.

This job is fucking killing me. Literally. My eyesight all of a sudden is going down the shitter, I'm getting wierd pains in my left heal, and I'm losing weight. I'm no doctor but I'm attributing it all to stress.

I'm at the point of extreme frustration with this job. I’ve got Bosman complaining to me that the clients are complaining that we are putting too many hours on the jobs. I keep telling him its because we are understaffed and I can’t handle everything. I’m trying my hardest working my ass off doing all the drafting that I can possibly do while at the same time trying to set up the CAD standards and migrate to the new software so that we have less of these stupid coordination problems. Yet all I do seems to go unnoticed by Bossman. It seems no matter how hard I try and work hard it’s never enough for him. What really makes me mad is Bossman isn’t doing much on his own part to make things any better. Sometimes he leaves for meetings without even telling us where he’s going. We are too fucking busy to even notice and then when we need to ask him something we don’t’ even know where he is. We tried to convey to him that hiring a project manager should be his top priority. Since we told him that he’s made ONE phone call and ONE email to someone that submitted a resume. To me that doesn’t seem like he’s making it his top priority at all. He’s still very unorganized I mean if I leave my desk for 5 minutes and come back it will have something on it that wasn’t there before and shouldn’t be there. Then 5 minutes later Bossmanwill come in and ask me if I saw the papers he was carrying 10 minutes ago and where did they end up. Seriously if there is an empty horizontal surface around he will put something important on it and then forget about it.

On top of all this he gets extremely frustrated and starts yelling at Draftingboy for not knowing everything. I've ofteh had the urge to snapp out on Bossman and scream at him that a fucking computer illiterate techschool grad that was getting paid by his crooked teacher during school hours for shoddy drafting work on questionable building projects isn't going to understand all the innerworkings of this fucked up industry. I mean what the fuck does he expect from a damn 18 year old kid, a fucking workaholic genius that can fix all our problems? I will soon be suggesting to Bossman that he fire the tool.

I'm also pissed because an old friend that I used to work with who I'm trying to get hired here to replace Draftingboy hasn't even returned my lengthy email asking her to submit her resume because I think she would work really well here. So much for trying to help someone out who's looking for a job.

Ok onto the next topic of Cadmonkey's comment. I wanted to say that I don't think it was stupidity that drove me and probably not her to stick with it. I feel that when your at that age in college you really still have no idea what your getting into. Having not entered the "real world" yet its very hard to know that your going to like what your getting into. So I wouldn't call it stupidity for sticking with it. I guess what we are mad about is not investigating what we were getting into enough or looking for more possible alternatives while we were in school. When I changed my major to the 4 year I was required to take a minor. I chose Management Information Systems seriously thinking that with Architecture and MIS under my belt I could design video game environments. That was quite short lived... I fell back on thinking then I had a good education background for CAD Management. Well that would have been nice but they don't make you a CAD manager straight from school. Especially when the ass backwards firm you've been working at since highschool already has a CAD Administrator (Jackass) and the most ludicrous CAD software and network structure you've ever seen (A combination of Unix workstations running ARRIS, Unix servers, Windows workstations, and Windows servers.) Of course in school all I learned was Microsoft systems so the Unix shit was foreign to me. I'd also like to mention that ARRIS is the biggest piece of shit software I've ever used in my entire life. Anyway I'm getting off topic here. The point I was trying to make here is that when your in college you still have no idea what you want to do with your life. I know I didn't. The worst is when you think you know what you want but you don't. That was my case. However, on the bright side I do firmly believe that college teaches you how to learn. So worst case scenario is when you get out of college if you don't like what your doing you change it. You learn something new, you get a new career. I know its hard work and a big shock to your system to do this but hey... what else are you gonna do?


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