Wednesday, April 20, 2005

And now for something completely different, or... not so much

Well I made a post but deleted it. If you read the post it probably sounded like I was about to lose it. So I figured I'd take it off. However due to circumstances in my life I have been feeling very depressed again. Having dealt with depression for as long as I can remember I know when I'm getting bad. If you have ever dealt with it you know what I mean too. It feels like a downward spiral that you positively can't pull yourself out of and no matter what you do it seems like all hope is lost and all thats left to do is give up on life. The good thing is that since I have been through these extremely low times before, I know its possible to feel better. That tiny little shred of hope that things can get better is all you can hang on to. And hang on I will because I don't see the end of this anytime soon. On the other hand I'm going to do all the physical things they tell you to do that will help you feel better. The excersize, the diet, the vitamins, thought replacement. It's all very scientific you know... these things.

Anyway... now that I got all that out of the way, I've realized that CAD Monkey has listed my blog on her links so now I feel obligated to post more often. The other thing is that I've strayed from my original idea of talking about putting up with living in the suburbs, sort of. I do feel that depression, at least personally, can be attributed to the environment we live in. Maybe I havn't strayed as far as I thought but I had wanted to discuss things more on a philosophical level, instead of the more personal level I've been getting into. Maybe I can find a happy medium. I had even pondered changing the title of my blog. As you may have noticed I changed the summary to just constant ramblings. I think I might change that again and leave the main title alone. Fear and Loathing still applys.


Blogger CAD Monkey said...

Ah, don't change the main title! I like your title!
As for the ever-deepening spiral of depression...unfortunately, I totally feel you on that. I know it's so hard to take care of yourself properly; to make yourself do the damn exercise, take the vitamins, eat right, when you feel like this- but it really is helping me. A little. Instead of thought replacement, though, I want brain replacement. :)

10:12 AM  

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