Well, I started working on another post this weekend but I didn't want to put it up yet. It started out as a stream of conscious thing but sort of fizzed out by the end, and it needs some editing. Not like I'm writing a great news column or anything but it needs some work.
Anyway a bunch of stuff happened over the weekend that I wanted to muse over. First on Friday when I didn't get my daily "Bleh work sucks" email from my friend Val, I was wondering what was up. So I figured I'd check out her
blog. As you can read her mommom passed away. I just wanted to let her know my thoughts are with her on all that. I just read her recent post on funeral thoughts and I feel the same way. Cremate me and have a kick ass party with all the money you saved on funeral costs. So while were on the bad news I found out this weekend that my grandpop has a cancerous tumor in his prostrate. Not exactly breaking news considering he's been in and out of the hospital many times for problems with it. But when what worries you for a while finally happens it sucks. But he's pulled through all this shit before so I don't see why he wouldn't now. I'm sure he will keep his silly sense of humor throughout the whole affair too as always.
So on Saturday I was planning on getting lots of things done around the house. Finally hook up the hose, finish painting the back door, mow the lawn and get some other yardwork done. I thought I got a good start. I got the back door primed, fixed my weedwhacker and wripped through some weeds. Those things are fun to use. I find weed whacking very therapeutic. Nothing like some death and destruction of weeds to relieve some stress. So Skip shows up after work and spouts off a few ideas for the day. The q-mart, which we had originally talked about going to, and then of course he brought up South Street. It was a beautiful day and it sounded like a good idea. So after hasty preparations, meaning I had to quick clean up everything I had started, we took off a few minutes before the train arrived with his brother in tow to the train station. You should really arrive a few minutes early for the train. It wasn't there. So we drove back to my place (which is within walking distance to the station but hey, we were in a hurry). It was nice to relax for a few moments. So we decided to walk this time thinking we had plenty of time. We barely get our asses in the seats and the train takes off... Ok I'm not great at time. I still believe my concept of time varies greatly from other peoples. Maybe that's why I'm so weird.
South street looks a little more lively than the last time I was down there. Its been a while but I think its popularity was diminishing. Or maybe I just went on a crappy day. Saturday was great though. Lots of people to watch, hot girls in short dresses. Freaks galore. I wasn't really paying attention to what we were doing. We had drunk a nasty concoction of apple juice, raspberry cranberry juice and vodka on the train, so I was just sort of going with the flow. These are the times I enjoy the most. Not paying any attention to what your doing and just walking around and enjoying the day. So naturally the first place we went was a bar. I think it was mother tattoos or something. Anyone familiar with South Street (the one in Philly BTW) knows which bar I'm talking about. I think the next place was repo records. I bought the first White Stripes album, a StereoLab album, Creedance, and a Procul Harum Album all on vinyl. Our mission was for the records. New ones, we can find old classic rock albums anywhere but NEW vinyl is harder to find. You have to go to the real RECORD stores for that shit. Went to another bar, the name escapes me at the moment. I'm just realizing how trashed I must have been at this point since I don't remember walking all the way to market street for the train.
We got back to Lansdale and decided it was either too late or I was too wrecked to drive to New Hope. This was our original plan having heard inside information that Ween was playing an impromptu show at some local bar there. Instead we proceeded to get even more drunk while watching Ween on DVD. Katie from down the street showed up with her brother and another friend. Her name also escapes my memory too.
I should mention that I have an extremely hard time with peoples names. Remembering them that is. Many times its attributed to my non sober state when I meet them. Which is why I can't remember Katie's friends name. But usually it is just because I am retarded at remembering people's names. I used to even forget people's names that I work with at my last job. I don't know what it is, maybe all the braincells that are used to store people's names are just not there anymore. Oh well... Its Monday and back to work... Bleh