Thursday, December 30, 2004


Ok I've broken down to caveman language for titles. I was doing the whole "phrases the boss uses" thing but the most recent one that's funny is just his goofy laugh and I don't know how to put that into words. You just gotta hear it. Ok in writing that last sentence I think I realize I DO in fact have dislexia. I must have spelled 3 words completely backwards. Maybe I should get tested for it.

Ok so last post was about how the holidays suck. I started writing this thinking I was going to talk about how much I hate New Years then realized I wrote about that in my last post. Well since then New Years sucks even more. I got my wish and Skip is keeping his distance. As much as its good for me not to hang out with him so often... in a way it sucks. He was the only friend I had that I saw on a regular basis. So now I am even lonelier then ever. I saw him on Christmas Eve for about 30 minutes. He gave me a Primus DVD. So I had to say I've been just too busy lately to buy him a gift yet. Wonderful huh. So I haven't talked to him since then. I'm pretty sure he won't be stopping by on New Years Eve either.

So my other "friend" Adam invited me to his party. Well Adam's friends are mostly people from our highschool years... people that often made fun and picked on people like me. Not too mention Adam is still hard to be around some times. So he tells me there is going to be this, as he so eloquently puts, Jew broad (I think he must be trying to imitate Joe Pesci from Goodfella's), at the party. This is a girl he claims that he could hook me up with. Ok I haven't been looking for any type of relationship for so long and I am quite socially naive so I'm still not sure what this term Hook up means. I've heard many different meanings for it so I don't trust it anymore. Anyway... I hate New Years so much and I express that very often that I figure if I even go to this thing I'm just going to come off as a miserable pessimist that hates everything which will lead to no one wanting to be around me in turn making me even more miserable. No thanks.

I've decided to not go. The only way I might consider is if he calls me during the party and insists that I show up. Even then I doubt I will.

So... I've been thinking about how miserable I come off to people. The drafting boy here at work said I'm always pissed. Which I completely realize makes people not want to be around me (see previous rant on new years party) or even talk to me. Probably why I don't have any friends anymore. Those that still talk to me put up with a lot of gloom I guess. I think many of the girls that I dated must have not gone on that 3rd date with me because of this. Oh I should mention I have a 2 date curse which I can not overcome. I was telling my friend that if I ever meet a girl that wants a 3rd date I will have to marry her. Apparently by the 2nd date my pessimistic and depressing attitude turns them off so much that they hardly even return phone calls after said date. Hell at this point I should be happy with a 1 date curse. I seriously don't remember what year it was when I last had an official DATE with a girl. This is probably due to the fact that I don't have many friends and those that I do have don't in turn have many single girl friends. So in hanging out with them I rarely meet any new people. If they do have any girl friends they end up being married, or already spoken for. On top of all this my sister has recently been married which now makes my mom focus on my relationships or rather lack there of. You know your pathetic when even your mom wonders why you have never had a girlfriend. My relatives probably think I'm gay. I feel like making an annoucement at the next christmas get together... no no I'm not gay I'm just a really big loser when it comes to girls.

So as it goes finding a relationship through my existing friends just probably isn't going to work. The alternative? Bars, Clubs, parties? Well I never get invited to parties so thats out. The others... well my social anxiety disorder takes care of that. I'll go to the bar now and then but I will NEVER talk to anyone I don't already know. Maybe if someone else introduces me but not myself. I can't do it. I don't know how. Not too mention just thinking about it makes me panic.

So the alternative? Start getting used to the fact that your going to be very lonely for the rest of your life. Well actually the right thing to do instead of thinking about that fact too much is to actually do whatever you have to do, to keep your mind off that sad sad prospect as best you can. Which is hard to do in the first place... until you hit the holidays... and worst yet New Years when everyone is telling you to cheer up and look forward to next year. The next year is going to be different. No, its not going to be different. For 25 years it hasn't been different. (lol just heard the lyric from painted black "your whole world is black" how appropriate)

I guess this brings me to the point that I've often realised or been told. Your never going to find a relationship until your happy with yourself. Easier said than done. First its a vicious cycle. I've often worked very hard at trying to be happy with the way I am. I'm intelligent, successful, been told I have a good sense of humor, etc... I've often been content with my life. Usually by realizing that I could be much worse off. I have my health, my job, shelter, food.... all that good stuff. This can go on for a few months at a time... feeling good. Then I start thinking ok feelin good about myself now its time to find someone else that feels the same way. After a few more failed attempts at lookin for a relationship it all comes crashing down and I start hating myself again. Why didn't they want that third date. Whats wrong with me? What did I say? What did I do wrong. Why don't you like me! Then the negative comments... I will ALWAYS be alone. No one will EVER want to be with someone like me. See what I mean about the cycle? Again the low side of the cycle is quite often triggered by the holidays.

Anyway this is getting really long winded. I know no one reads this crap but if anyone does that has fealt this way about themselves and has turned it around. Please comment and tell me about it. I don't want to hate myself for the rest of my life. I've just been doing it so long that I don't know how to stop.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Oh Boy!

Ok people... and by people I mean me since no one reads this. Of course they don't read it there is nothing new here to read in months. Thats what this post is about. I should have known when I started this I would lose interest in a matter of weeks. Why would it be any different than anything else in my life? I can't finish projects, I procrastinate like you wouldn't believe, and I have absolutely no self discipline. Seriously it takes a major effort on my part to stay commited to something as simple as washing the dirty dishes every day. I wish I could take a pill that made me do things I don't want to do. Ugh what is wrong with me. I now have 16 days to finish building the christmas present I was supposed to give to my brother in law LAST CHRISTMAS!!! He wasn't even my brother in law at that time. Geez...

OK besides all that crappy stuff life sucks. Recent events have caused me to be an even more bitter person than I already am. I think I let people walk all over me. I never stand up for myself. I really dont' know how I guess. My so called friends are people that have no respect for me and and simply use me. Every girl I've ever been involved with used me. I'm so bitter when it comes to people that I think I'm better off being a loner and not having many friends or relationships. It seems the proportion of good fun times to shitty times leans greatly to the shitty experiences. Even when I think of the "best" experiences I've had in my life so far, even those are marred by problems. I think I might cut back the time I spend with my "friend" Skip. He's really just a leech. Of course my true friends mainly my family and Matt have always told me Skip isn't a good friend. But for some reason I always stuck up for him. Not anymore. Hes a bastard and I hope I don't see him for a month. I'm sure when we seperate our record collection thats going to turn into a big fight over who bought what and who owns what. I'm thinking nows the time to start that catologing project. That way I can have some sort of idea of which ones are mine. Bleh a bunch of shit I don't want to deal with.

So I'm sure all this bullshit is because its the holidays... my most not favorite time of the year. I hate christmas. I hate it so much. Most people are like oh you like it, EVERYONE likes christmas and they try to tell me I should put up decorations and be merry. Well fuck you. You don't know me and how I feel so fuck off. Its a free country I can hate whatever I want. I'd rather Christmas just didn't happen. It would be so much more pleasant. Oh and don't even get me started on New Years. What a fucking joke. Every New Years since I graduated HS has been miserable. Propbably because every NY I think, ok this ones going to be great I'm going to get invited to a party or hell, I'll have a party of my own and there will be people and it will be fun. Yeah right. I never get invited anywhere, no one ever wants to come to any party I have... and I usually spend the evening by myself feeling miserable. Last New Years I went to bed at 10:00. So this year I plan on doing the same just so I don't set my self up for a huge failure again.

I only look forward to the holidays to get a few extra days off to work in my shop alone. I enjoy myself more when I'm alone in the shop with lots of problem solving to keep my mind busy. Within a few years I'm sure I will have completed my transformation into a crotchety old man that hates everything, only I will be 28. Ugh at what point did my life veer off course to this lonely existance... oh wait thats right, I've been like this for as long as I can remember... sigh