Friday, June 24, 2005

Where to begin?

Well Bonnaroo is over and done. I could write numerous posts on the subject but I'll refrain because I am too busy. So here is the short and sweet. The music and performances were as always top notch and rockin. Also as usual I missed many performances I wanted to see due to the fact that the body can only go so far without any rest. The event itself is getting VERY commercialized and I think it might be my last one. The weather was rainy and windy all weekend. The other festival goers were the least friendly so far. Also as usual the friendships were full of drama and I don't think I can handle that part anymore either. Overall however it was still a good time yet like I said I think I will be saying farewell to Bonnaroo this year.

So why am I so busy that I can't even update my blog you ask? (you being as always the 2 people that read it) Well lets see. First of all getting ready for Bonnaroo was quite the task this year as we seemed to think it was very neccesary to silk screen our own camp flag and t-shirts this year. On top of that I have been working on a little moonlighting project where I am preparing the construction documents for a sunroom addition.

Finally the big news. Shortly before I left for vacation my friend Alex contacted me and said his firm is looking for new recruits and wondered if I would be interested. Would I? Of course I would this place is driving me insane. The firm in question is none other than David M. Schwarz/Architectural Services. Very big name. Cadmonkey, I'm sure you've heard of them as they seem to have a big presence in Texas.

Needless to say this would be HUGE for my career as an architect. This place isn't your traditional run of the mill firm. They do MASSIVE projects like stadiums, high rises, high end custom residential projects, master planning of entire towns, etc. On their larger projects they usually aren't involved in the construction documentation or administration. They solely produce design documents. So when your entire budget is for design you get to do some pretty cool stuff. On top of all this I'd be able to get out of this funny farm of a firm. Basically my dream job is on the horizon if I can just get a good resume and portfolio together to get in. Thats whats been adding to the numerous tasks that have been keeping me really busy lately. There are however some drawbacks to moving to DC. First of all its a shitload more expensive than Lansdale and to live equivilantly I'd have to get a massive raise, which isn't going to happen. I'll actually be lucky if they match what I'm making here. I'll have to change my entire suburban style of living. I will have to probably leave my truck behind (sheds a tear) along with my woodworking equipment (starts bawling). However these are sacrifices I will have to make to work at such a place.

Also I'd have to change my blog name to Fear and Loathing in DC and thats just not as cool as Lansdale lol. Ok well my boss is being his usual spastic retarded self I gotta get going. I will try to keep this updated with my employment progress. Peace.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Vacation! Bonnaroo!!!!

Well folks, its been a while since I posted. I realized some other blogs I read haven't been keeping up with posts either so I decided to follow suit. I have a ton of stuff to talk about but I've also been extremely busy at work (where I usually type this from) and haven't had time to rant about the goings on in Lansdale. Particularly the buildings they have been recently tearing down in preperation for "improvements". But I'll leave that for another time.

Bonnaroo time is here. The yearly musical festival in Manchester TN that I've gone to since the first one in 2002. I leave tomorow. Work is on hold. My boss will be lost without me. I don't care. Its time for music, fun and the craziest stuff I see all year. Cya later and have fun at work suckers!