Ok it's official. I am freaking out. 2 weeks is NOT enough time to pick your entire convoluted and disorganized life up and move it to a new city. My head is about to explode with pressure so to destress I have copied
Val's survey and slowly filled it out to try and forget that I won't be back in my hometown of Lansdale for a VERY long time.
*How tall are you? 5 ' 10"
*Do you own a gun? yes
*Rehab? drugs and alcohol? no
*Have you ever killed an animal? yes
*Are you Irish? no
*What do you think of hot dogs? My sister says your only supposed to eat two a year. I used to love them but since I found this out I've only had about 10 or so lol. Oh and Val I love the cheese filled ones.
*What's your favorite Christmas song? Blue Christmas - Elvis Presley
*What is your favorite smell? Women
*What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Hazlenut Coffee
*Do you do push ups? Not on a regular basis
*Have you ever done ecstasy? no
*Have you been shot? No
*Have you ever been hospitalized? Maybe, it depends on the definition of hospitalized
*Do you like painkillers? hmmm Like asprin? or vicadin? The latter is nice with alcohol
*Whats your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? If anyone has one let me know because I'm clueless over here.
*Do you own a knife? Yeah about 6 in the kitchen, my leatherman mini, and some camping knives (is that wierd?)
*Do you have A.D.D.? Not that I'm aware of and frankly I don't believe in it.
*Do you love the pain a tattoo brings? If I had one I think I would
*Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink: Water, Rosenbergers Iced tea, Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer,Cranberry Rasberry Juice, and more Pabst Blue Ribbon
*What's In Your CD Player/I Pod? Dungen, Gorillaz, Particle, Band of Bees, M.I.A., Feist
*Do you like going into sex shops?Sure but I wouldn't consider myself a regular
*What's Under Your Bed? Shoes, the rest of the stuff is packed in boxes for now
*What Time Did You Wake Up Today? I don't remember... but I was late for work as usual
*Current Haircut? getting moppy but I'm too busy to get it cut. Worried about finding a new barber in DC
*What are you wearing? Ratty shorts and tshirt (moving clothes)
*Current Worry? Paying the 3 loans that were due today (I don't have any money to pay them)
*Current Love? The possibility of a completely new life in a new city
*Current Hate? MOVING
*Favorite Place To Be? In bed
*Least Favorite Place? My current (soon to be ex) job
*If You Could Play Any Instrument? Piano
*Favorite Colors? Green, Gray, Blue, Plaid? is that a color? I don't really like it but when I look through my closet I realize that almost every dress shirt I own is some sort of plaid WTF
*Most used saying? WHAT THE FUCK!
*Favorite Animal? umm I don't know
*Favorite Season? Fall
*Where Would You Like To Go? Greece, Italy, Japan, Germany, Sri Lanka, Australia, reykjavik (iceland), Montreal, California, and few others I can't recall at this moment.
*Where Do you want to live? DC of course!
*Color of most clothes you own? Duh Plaid oh and gray is my style boring or what?
*Number of pillows you sleep with? 2 and one of those sofa cushion things I'm not even gonna say what they are called because it will make me sound gay.
*What do you wear when you go to sleep? nothing, except in the winter when I turn my thermostat WAY down and I have to wear like 3 layers to get to sleep.
*What were you doing 12AM last night? Sleeping like a log, did I mention moving is exhausting?
*Are you paranoid? when i smoke (me too Val)
*Favorite JellyBelly Bean Flavor? Don't eat them, I tasted a buttered popcorn one once and almost puked
*Do you burn or tan? Burn
*First piercing/tattoo? neither, I have a tatoo designed but people would call me a poser if I ever got it.
*Last person you yelled at? My coworker but I was yelling at him about my boss.
*Latest crush? Too busy to have one right now Plus I haven't met any new women in a LONG time
*Last thing you ate? My grandma's apple crisp mmm what a send off
*If you could be a pirate, would you? Yeeearrrrr
*What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't really sing as much as I listen to the music in my head... and its wierd because I ALWAYS have a song in my head when I wake up and get in the shower but its ALWAYS a different song.
*When and why did you last vomit? I don' t remember but I'm sure it was due to alcohol
*What's in your pockets right now? The money my friend owed me and a screw
*What color are your bedroom walls? Vomit Tan (I rent)
*Last thing that made you laugh? Trying to figure out how to spell what pirates say when they say... well... Yeeearrrr
*Any pets now? Uh no I'm not a big pet person I'm allergic to dogs and especially cats
*Have you ever won any awards? I won a best trombone solo in a middle school Jazz band competition and a best in show ribbon for my pinewood derby car back in cub scouts.
*Who do you tell your dreams to? Wait... actual dreams like what went on in my subconcious while I sleep? or Dreams as in aspirations? The former I tell my friends and they laugh because quite frankly my dreams are wierd and funny. The latter... I don't really have anyone I can tell them to