Thursday, September 15, 2005

Here I am...

I am here. DC. Finally got some internet access through work. However I actually have real work to do here so I will be limited to using it during my lunch HOUR. Thats right a full hour for lunch like it's supposed to be. I'd like to post a TON of stuff thats been going on since my last post however I'm still wary about my internet usage here at work. So I'm going to keep it short. Things are going well... besides being broke off my ass. My neighbors are cool. My job is cool. OMG the project I'm working on is ridiculous. It's a FLW textile block inspired vacation home in Moab Utah. The imaginary budget is something like 10 million. My coworkers seem cool. Their is a happy hour scheduled for tonight to welcome the new hires. There are quite a few young people around my age and *gasp* even younger than me working here. So far I'm loving it. Anyway I should get going. Oh and Val my email for now is Shoot me an email because I don't have my address book here at work to send you one.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Freaking out

Ok it's official. I am freaking out. 2 weeks is NOT enough time to pick your entire convoluted and disorganized life up and move it to a new city. My head is about to explode with pressure so to destress I have copied Val's survey and slowly filled it out to try and forget that I won't be back in my hometown of Lansdale for a VERY long time.

*How tall are you? 5 ' 10"
*Do you own a gun? yes
*Rehab? drugs and alcohol? no
*Have you ever killed an animal? yes
*Are you Irish? no
*What do you think of hot dogs? My sister says your only supposed to eat two a year. I used to love them but since I found this out I've only had about 10 or so lol. Oh and Val I love the cheese filled ones.
*What's your favorite Christmas song? Blue Christmas - Elvis Presley
*What is your favorite smell? Women
*What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Hazlenut Coffee
*Do you do push ups? Not on a regular basis
*Have you ever done ecstasy? no
*Have you been shot? No
*Have you ever been hospitalized? Maybe, it depends on the definition of hospitalized
*Do you like painkillers? hmmm Like asprin? or vicadin? The latter is nice with alcohol
*Whats your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? If anyone has one let me know because I'm clueless over here.
*Do you own a knife? Yeah about 6 in the kitchen, my leatherman mini, and some camping knives (is that wierd?)
*Do you have A.D.D.? Not that I'm aware of and frankly I don't believe in it.
*Do you love the pain a tattoo brings? If I had one I think I would
*Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink: Water, Rosenbergers Iced tea, Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer,Cranberry Rasberry Juice, and more Pabst Blue Ribbon
*What's In Your CD Player/I Pod? Dungen, Gorillaz, Particle, Band of Bees, M.I.A., Feist
*Do you like going into sex shops?Sure but I wouldn't consider myself a regular
*What's Under Your Bed? Shoes, the rest of the stuff is packed in boxes for now
*What Time Did You Wake Up Today? I don't remember... but I was late for work as usual
*Current Haircut? getting moppy but I'm too busy to get it cut. Worried about finding a new barber in DC
*What are you wearing? Ratty shorts and tshirt (moving clothes)
*Current Worry? Paying the 3 loans that were due today (I don't have any money to pay them)
*Current Love? The possibility of a completely new life in a new city
*Current Hate? MOVING
*Favorite Place To Be? In bed
*Least Favorite Place? My current (soon to be ex) job
*If You Could Play Any Instrument? Piano
*Favorite Colors? Green, Gray, Blue, Plaid? is that a color? I don't really like it but when I look through my closet I realize that almost every dress shirt I own is some sort of plaid WTF
*Most used saying? WHAT THE FUCK!
*Favorite Animal? umm I don't know
*Favorite Season? Fall
*Where Would You Like To Go? Greece, Italy, Japan, Germany, Sri Lanka, Australia, reykjavik (iceland), Montreal, California, and few others I can't recall at this moment.
*Where Do you want to live? DC of course!
*Color of most clothes you own? Duh Plaid oh and gray is my style boring or what?
*Number of pillows you sleep with? 2 and one of those sofa cushion things I'm not even gonna say what they are called because it will make me sound gay.
*What do you wear when you go to sleep? nothing, except in the winter when I turn my thermostat WAY down and I have to wear like 3 layers to get to sleep.
*What were you doing 12AM last night? Sleeping like a log, did I mention moving is exhausting?
*Are you paranoid? when i smoke (me too Val)
*Favorite JellyBelly Bean Flavor? Don't eat them, I tasted a buttered popcorn one once and almost puked
*Do you burn or tan? Burn
*First piercing/tattoo? neither, I have a tatoo designed but people would call me a poser if I ever got it.
*Last person you yelled at? My coworker but I was yelling at him about my boss.
*Latest crush? Too busy to have one right now Plus I haven't met any new women in a LONG time
*Last thing you ate? My grandma's apple crisp mmm what a send off
*If you could be a pirate, would you? Yeeearrrrr
*What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't really sing as much as I listen to the music in my head... and its wierd because I ALWAYS have a song in my head when I wake up and get in the shower but its ALWAYS a different song.
*When and why did you last vomit? I don' t remember but I'm sure it was due to alcohol
*What's in your pockets right now? The money my friend owed me and a screw
*What color are your bedroom walls? Vomit Tan (I rent)
*Last thing that made you laugh? Trying to figure out how to spell what pirates say when they say... well... Yeeearrrr
*Any pets now? Uh no I'm not a big pet person I'm allergic to dogs and especially cats
*Have you ever won any awards? I won a best trombone solo in a middle school Jazz band competition and a best in show ribbon for my pinewood derby car back in cub scouts.
*Who do you tell your dreams to? Wait... actual dreams like what went on in my subconcious while I sleep? or Dreams as in aspirations? The former I tell my friends and they laugh because quite frankly my dreams are wierd and funny. The latter... I don't really have anyone I can tell them to